Vibrant Rural and Northern Communities

Our vision is for strong, vibrant communities that are able to provide the services their residents need and value. This includes health care, education, services for seniors, support for small businesses, and ecologically sustainable agriculture.  

This will be most possible when people in their communities have meaningful opportunities to participate directly in the local decision making that affects their lives. It is in this way that the strengths of communities will be mobilized. 

To support the development of vibrant rural and northern communities, the Green Party of Manitoba will:

Increase the level of input and autonomy of rural and northern communities
  • In partnership with communities, undertake a thorough review of The Municipal Act to ensure that it appropriately supports local decision making
  • Undertake meaningful consultation with communities regarding government initiatives that will significantly affect them
Maintain and strengthen existing rural and northern services
  • Make every effort to maintain existing services in rural and northern communities, and work to enhance services where possible
  • Support the efforts of communities to provide accessible and affordable sporting and other recreational opportunities to their children and youth
Improve transportation services to and from rural and northern communities
  • Restore bus service to rural and northern communities by working with communities to develop an appropriate model
  • Establish a transportation commission (using Saskatchewan as a model) to ensure that all options are explored
Increase the availability and affordability of telecommunication services
  • Ensure that rural and Northern broadband includes local service providers, to increase competition — and therefore the quality and affordability —  of phone and internet service for rural and Northern Manitobans
Support the development of small businesses in rural and northern communities
  • Provide government assistance for smaller businesses, especially new and young independent entrepreneurs
  • End the practice of providing big grants to large, dominant businesses
Support rural and northern industries in transitioning to a green economy
  • Support green energy construction projects that will create jobs and help transition rural and northern communities to energy independence
  • Explore ways to help young, beginning farmers acquire the land they need to start farming in an ecologically sustainable way
  • Work with agricultural producers to ensure that all agricultural practices are ecologically sound and sustainable