Ending Poverty
The Green Party of Manitoba acknowledges that poverty is a complex issue that must be addressed on many levels. We seek to mitigate poverty through removing barriers in education and training, health care, child care, housing, and child protection. We want to equalize access to services that promote equity and address social marginalization, thereby expanding opportunities for people to escape the cycle of poverty.
Greens believe that it is important to ensure that everyone has a financial support net, provided in the most cost-efficient and effective manner possible. The current method of providing income assistance to Manitobans is inefficient and costly to administer, with difficult-to-navigate bureaucratic processes. By introducing a Basic Income, we will be able to support Manitobans in a way that is efficient and that respects inherent human dignity.
Introducing a Basic Income will support to individuals and families living in poverty, and drastically reduce the number of children living in poverty in Manitoba. It will reduce poverty rates among those groups that are disproportionately affected, such as seniors and people living with disabilities. It will also provide students and entrepreneurs with a safety net that will encourage education, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Investing in people pays huge dividends in long-term cost savings for health care, justice, and social services. Ending poverty is good for individuals, and good for all Manitobans.
To end the cycle of poverty and create an equitable society for all, the Green Party of Manitoba will:
Introduce a Basic Income
- Introduce a Basic Income (BI), administered through the income tax system and funded by the removal of selected refundable and non-refundable tax credits
- Click here for our fully-costed Basic Income proposal
End Homelessness
- Work with individuals, community organizations, and governments at all levels, to prevent, reduce and end homelessness in Manitoba by 2025
- Implement a Housing First strategy to address homelessness
- Increase the supply of affordable housing through cooperatives and community supported projects
- Restore the cuts made to the Rent Assist Program
Ensure income security for seniors by protecting pension plans
- Work with the federal government on an ongoing basis to ensure the adequacy and fiscal sustainability of the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Supplement and Guaranteed Income Supplement until such time such measures could be replaced by a joint federal-provincial Basic Income
- Enact new legislation to require the courts and the Pension Commissioner and the Pension Commission of Manitoba to apply trust law to protect pension trust funds and earnings on behalf of the beneficiaries as defined by those pension plans and pension trust agreements
Introduce a fare-free public transit system
- Introduce a fare-free public transit system to reduce household transportation costs and make transportation accessible to all Manitobans
Ensure that quality, affordable child care is available for all Manitobans
- Increase the number of spaces available for child care to meet the rising demand
- Ensure that the cost of child care exceeds no more than 10% of household income