TREATY ONE TERRITORY, WINNIPEG, MANITOBAThe Green Party of Manitoba (GPM) is calling for an open and proactive approach to the current MMIWG Prairie Green Landfill Search issue. Rather than the closed-minded and divisive track the provincial government is pursuing, the GPM is asking for an opportunity to build and strengthen relationships and openly consider all possible options.

“The heartless handling of this whole search process, especially how the provincial government treats human rights is reprehensible” stated Party Leader Janine Gibson. “All levels of government must cooperate in implementing the calls to action of the MMIWG Inquiry, for reconciliation to ever become reality in our province.”

The Greens are calling for full disclosure, asking the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the Federal Government to make the Prairie Green Landfill Search Feasibility Study publicly available. This would enable Manitobans to better understand what is and what isn’t “feasible”.

Second, the GPM is calling for all parties to put the full range of possible options on the table, with particular  emphasis on addressing the root causes of tragedies like these. In addition to an all-encompassing search, other options such as a less-intensive search with monies allocated to preventing this tragedy from happening again should be welcomed.

“Another option is to allocate the oft-mentioned $100M for reconciliation immediately” suggests Party President and Deputy Leader, Dennis Bayomi. “This could be done in so many ways – in the form of scholarships for high school and post-secondary students, funding Indigenous organizations for cultural and language advocacy, job training programs, public education and outreach, and MMIWG memorials throughout the province, to list just a few.”

After visiting camp activists, GPM member Liz Marshall sums up with “These are beautiful people standing in opposition to apathetic evil – with grief and vigilance these camps will stand regardless of location.” 

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Janine G Gibson

Leader, Green Party of Manitoba.


janine.gibson @