by Drew Fenwick, President, Green Party of Manitoba
It is with a heavy heart that I inform Party members of the passing of our dear friend and fellow green, Vere Scott. A long time member of the Green Party of Manitoba, Vere was active on the policy committee and was a candidate for the Greens in several elections.
Vere advocated and firmly believed that sustainable societies must be guided by a deep respect for the earth’s living systems. Creating life-friendly economic institutions and policies is one of the fundamental challenges facing our society. For Vere, ecological wisdom meant learning from living systems and redesigning human activities to mimic the wisdom of nature.
Vere put his beliefs into practice, co-writing a presentation to the Manitoba Clean Environment Commission’s 2003 hearings on the City of Winnipeg’s polluting sewage collection and treatment system. Experienced, committed, and informed about local issues, Vere was respected for his insight, and his work on behalf of the earth and its inhabitants.
Vere Scott studied agriculture at the University of Manitoba and worked for the Assiniboine Park Zoo, the Alberta Game Farm, the Smithsonian Institution’s National Zoological Park, the Manitoba Minister of Agriculture, and as a wildlife biologist for the Canada Land Inventory. In the 1980s he was appointed to the Minister of the Environment’s advisory committee on mosquito control and western equine encephalitis.
We are thankful for Vere’s work and efforts on behalf of a greener world. Our deepest sympathies go to his family and friends.
A private service of interment has already taken place. A potluck supper is being held this Sunday to celebrate his life and achievements. An open invitation is extended to all who may wish to attend.
The potluck in memory of Vere Scott will be held at Grace Church, 366 Oakwood at 6 pm, Sunday May 31st. More information is available on Facebook.