As you are likely aware, 2020 is an election year for the Green Party of Manitoba, and all the positions on Council (both Leader and Elected Officers) are up for election.
We wanted to give you the opportunity to get to know the people running to become the next set of GPM Elected Officers, so each of the candidates was given the opportunity to submit a photo and bio for us to share with you.
This year, none of the candidates for Elected Officers are running uncontested. That said, members will still have the opportunity to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for each candidate, as well as vote in the Leadership Contest and to ratify motions. In order to be eligible to participate in these votes, you must join the party or renew your membership by Wednesday, the 28th of October 2020. If you are unsure about the status of your membership, please contact vote@greenparty.mb.ca as soon as possible.
So, without further adieu, we present the 2020 candidates for GPM Elected Officers. (In alphabetical order by last name)
Robert Brown
Candidate for Western Manitoba Regional Representative

Robert Brown has been a resident of Brandon for 12 years after moving to the “Big” city to attend Assiniboine Community College in the Agri-Business program. After graduating from the Agri-Business program in 2010 he has held positions with several companies in Brandon, in addition to running his own small painting business.
Robert has always had an interest in environmental stewardship. The interest came early while growing up on his family’s small mixed farm in Southern Manitoba. Robert loves the land and has spent countless hours fishing, hunting, and hiking through Pembina Valley in his youth.
Robert was also actively involved in his local 4-H Beef club, holding the position of Treasurer for a number of those years. Robert’s time in the 4-H program taught him that the true spirit of leadership is to be in the service of others — a value that was reflected in his time serving with his home town’s volunteer fire department.
While attending Nellie McClung Highschool, Robert was a dedicated member of his school’s Envirothon program, as well as the school choir and various sports teams. The Envirothon program allowed him to delve deeper into the issues surrounding the environment.
Robert continues to enjoy an active lifestyle through hiking, mountain biking, and teaching Karate. He hopes to aid in creating a sustainable future where he can share these passions with his children.
Robert is passionate about leaving the environment in a better state than he left it. He wishes to create a sustainable future for our community, our province, and the Country.
Michael Cardillo
Candidate for Membership Development Coordinator
I would like your vote to continue my role as Membership Coordinator. I want to continue to build the parties membership and increase the visibility of the party across Manitoba.
I joined the party in March 2016, and ran as candidate in the April 2016 provincial election. Then in November 2016 annual general meeting, I was elected to council as the membership coordinator, which I presently hold.
I hope to continue this work for the next two years, with your support.

Leah Erenberg
Candidate for Eastern Manitoba Regional Representative

My name is Leah Erenberg. I live in Anola, Manitoba. I hold a BA in Political Science from the University of Winnipeg. I am currently a student at the University of Manitoba, working towards applying to the Faculty of Law. My most recent job has been running an art gallery and community event space in Winnipeg. Previously I worked as a historical research assistant for a law firm practicing Indigenous Law. I am passionate about living a low-impact lifestyle. I enjoy learning to grow my own food and supporting local business across industries.
I want to be involved with the Green Party of Manitoba to open communication channels with a diversity of people in my area of Eastern Manitoba. I want to be a
reliable representative to the Party at large of any issue that needs to be addressed in our communities, whether it be sustainable and regenerative farming practices, Green energy, inter-city bus service, improved quality and access to health and community services, or anything else. I will stand alongside Manitobans who are demanding consultation before mining and other development projects in this region, and call for consultation with Indigenous communities as the first step to any development.
I believe the Green Party is the only party to go far enough in their environmental and social commitments in a way that will create a healthy, sustainable and equitable future for everyone living on this land. I look forward to sharing and discussing the plan of the Greens with Manitobans in my regional area.
Nicolas Geddert
Candidate for Winnipeg Regional Representative
Nicolas Geddert is the current chair of the communications committee for the
Party, as well as a member of the SNA Holistic Housing Committee, the
Community Roots Resource Centre Steering Committee, and is currently
developing a Constituency Association in Elmwood. He is a talented project
manager and long time volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, 1Just City, and
He is a strong advocate for Housing and Homelessness issues, environmental
action, and true reconciliation, achieved through sensible and equitable policy
change, investment in communities, and support for innovative ideas and

In his spare time he likes to read, bike, and subvert oppressive systems. He drives a Subaru and is pretty good at board games.
Dirk Hoeppner
Candidate for Elections Readiness Coordinator

Dirk Hoeppner is the Green Party of Manitoba’s current Elections Readiness Coordinator and is hoping to stay in the position for the next two-year term.
Dirk Was instrumental in the GPM’s effort to run a full slate of candidates in 2019, where 43 of 57 candidates were run, exceeding the party’s previous record.
Dirk has experience volunteering with the greens in many capacities: He is an expert campaigner who has travelled across the country to contribute to winning green campaigns and he also served as President of the GPM for a period.
Pearson Singbeil Montgomery
Candidate for Youth Representative
Pearson Singbeil Montgomery is an 18-year-old student in year one at the University of Manitoba, hoping to pursue a Bachelor’s in Environmental Design.
Pearson has been deeply interested in politics for nearly the last half of his life. He started out as a kid just wanting to understand and engage with the news the adults in his home were watching, but quickly began to write letters to local representatives, join student councils and social-justice clubs at his schools, and attend and volunteer at rallies, clean-ups, and other events. He has gone on to lead workshops on youth democratic engagement, co-moderate a debate during the 2019 election, serve as co-president of his high school’s student council, and

attend two sessions of the Youth Parliament of Manitoba, volunteering on cabinet last year and doing the same this year.
Pearson joined the Green Party during the 2019 provincial election, as a volunteer on David Nickarz’s campaign. He had wanted to become more directly involved in the political system and had determined that the greens were had the best (and, often, only) plans to deal with the crises faced by Manitobans today. After volunteering nearly full-time during the election, Pearson joined the communications committee and was later appointed to Council to serve as the GPM’s first interim Youth Representative. Since his appointment, Pearson has purposefully brought a youth lens to the party’s decisions, spearheading changes including free youth membership and the establishment of a Youth Development Committee. Pearson looks forward to continuing in this position to head up this committee and continue his work to build up the GPM as the party for youth in Manitoba.
Saara Murnick
Candidate for Northern Manitoba Regional Representative

Saara Murnick is a Health Care Aide, who lives and works within the Northern Health Region. She currently resides in Cranberry Portage (half an hour south of Flin Flon), with her husband, youngest child, and pets.
Saara is the youngest child of Finnish immigrants, who met in Manitoba. She grew up in Northwestern Ontario, and spent her teen years heavily involved with community groups (especially the Regional Multicultural Youth Council for Northwestern Ontario).
Saara’s family moved back to Manitoba when she was 17, and it only took a couple of years before she found herself in the north, once again. She met a local boy, and
they had a couple of kids.
For a time, Saara was a single mom with two small children. She completed the Health Care Aide course through University College of the North, and started working in the field in 2006. She met her current husband a few years later, and she and her kids relocated to Cranberry Portage.
Saara has been a member of both the federal and provincial Greens for over ten years, and has run for provincial office twice, and federal office once.
Saara is passionate about the Greens’ grassroots values and vision, and believes that the people need to tell the politicians what they need, not the other way around. She believes in the Greens’ Vision for a sustainable future, where all Canadians have the necessities of life – shelter, food, and clean drinking water.
David Nickarz
Candidate for President
I would like your vote to continue my role as President of the Green Party of Manitoba. I took on the role last year when the previous President stepped down. I would like to continue to lead the party from within, nurturing inspiration in our volunteers and preparing our party for the next election.
My experience with the party goes back to 1999 when I ran with the first Green candidates in the provincial election. After years of environmental campaigning I joined council in 2014 and ran as a candidate in the 2016 and 2019 provincial elections.
I’ve also volunteered in person in BC, Ontario and PEI where I helped elect

Greens to provincial office. My contacts from these campaigns are invaluable to my work on council today, as President. I hope to continue this work for the next two years, with your support.
Laura Rawluk
Candidate for Secretary

my name is Laura Rawluk. I have put my name forward for the secretary position on the Green Party of Manitoba provincial council. I have lived in West Broadway for 20 years and have been a member and volunteer with the Green Party of Manitoba for a lot of those years. I have served on a number of community volunteer boards and committees such as the Friends of Gardens Manitoba, Fruitshare MB and the GP MB Wolseley constituency association (David Nickarz is my spouse). I have been employed as a provincial civil servant for the last 11 years in the finance dept. with the Public Guardian and Trustee of Manitoba. I am an avid gardener, cook, baker. reader, lover of music and the arts. I think that I have a lot of experience and good will to bring to the position. I would appreciate the support of the members in a bid for a council position.
Zev Rumstein
Candidate for Treasurer
My name is Zev Rumstein. I am self employed as a Bookkeeper, and I’m currently the Treasurer and CFO of the Green Party of Manitoba. I’m a father of two teenage girls, an avid a cycler, canoeist and outdoor enthusiast. I enjoy connecting with people and sharing ideas, politically and otherwise. I look forward to the opportunity of serving another term as Treasurer.