This is a formal announcement that the Green Party of Manitoba’s 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 27 February 2022 via Zoom.

In advance of the annual general meeting, members will have the opportunity to propose, debate, and vote on policy and governance resolutions as well as to run as a candidate in by-elections for President, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, and South-Eastern Manitoba Representative.

Below you will find details on the timeline and processes for the AGM, Resolutions, and By-Elections:


Proposing Resolutions for the AGM:

  • All members in good standing have the right to propose, debate, and vote on resolutions for the AGM.
  • Resolutions can be policy proposals, amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws, or directives to the Party or one of it’s units.
  • Resolutions should be drafted to comply with the resolution guidelines set out in By-Law #5.
  • The deadline to submit Resolutions is 14 January 2022 at 23:59h CST.
  • Resolutions can be submitted by filling out the form linked with the button below, or at

Running as a Council By-Election Candidate:

  • The AGM will include the opportunity to run as a candidate in By-Elections for President, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, and South-Eastern Manitoba Representative.
  • All members in good standing have the right to run for a position and vote in these By-Elections, subject to any candidate eligiblility restrictions set out in the Elected Officer descriptions in By-Law #9.
  • The deadline to become a candidate in the By-Elections is 14 January 2022 at 2359h CST.
  • Prospective Candidates can put their names forward by filling out the form linked with the button below, or at

Committee of the Whole, Online Voting, and the AGM:

In order to ensure maximum participation by members, we have decided to separate the AGM process into three parts:

  1. A ‘Committee of the Whole’ Meeting on 30 January 2022 where all members in good standing will have the opportunity to debate and propose amendments to the Resolutions for the AGM. Members will receive a list of proposed motions as well as an agenda and invitation to this meeting in mid-January.
  2. Voting in the By-Elections and on the Resolutions as amended will take place through a secure online voting system called SimplyVoting from the 9th to the 23rd of February. All members in good standing as of 28 January 2022 will receive a package with information on the resolutions and by-election candidates before voting opens. Members without internet access who require mail ballot packages are asked to request one by emailing by 21 January 2022 at 18:00h CST.
  3. The Annual General Meeting of the GPM will take place on 27 February 2022 via Zoom. The AGM will include the announcement of By-Election and Resolution vote results, presentations from guest speakers, reports from committees and Elected Officers, party financial statements, and more! Members will receive formal notice, an agenda, and a registration link for the AGM no later than 12 February 2022.


AGM and By-Elections Organizing Committee:

The 2021 Annual general meeting is being organized by a volunteer committee of GPM Members. Any members who would like to take part in the AGM organizing process are asked to email