Executive Council
GPM Council members with other volunteers at a 2022 Strategic Planning Summit.
The Executive Council of the Green Party of Manitoba is the highest governance body in the party outside of a General Meeting, responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations, governance, and finances of the Party. It is a recognised unit of the GPM under the authority of the Constitution and further governed by the By-Laws, Rules of Procedure, and Code of Conduct.
Executive Council consists of the Leader, five Elected Officers, four Regional Representatives, all of whom are elected to two-year terms by the members of the GPM; two Youth Representatives selected by the Manitoba Young Greens, and up to six Members-at-Large, who may be appointed on an ad-hoc basis by the Executive Council.
Any member in good standing of the GPM may attend Executive Council meetings if they request to do so. Members are also entitled to run for Executive Council when elections occur. They can also apply for appointment to Council as a Member-at-Large using this form.
Executive Council Members:
Party Leader — Janine G Gibson (ex-officio)
↳ Deputies — Dennis Bayomi
President — Dennis Bayomi
Secretary — Laura Potts
Treasurer & Financial Officer — Dan Yarema
Membership Development Coordinator — vacant
Election Planning Coordinator — vacant
Winnipeg Regional Representative — vacant
Northern Regional Representative — Saara Murnick
South-Eastern Regional Representative — Blair Mahaffy
South-Western Regional Representative — Lockhart Lumsden
Member(s) at Large (up to 6) — Pearson Singbeil-Montgomery
Youth Representative(s) (up to 2, Appointed by the Manitoba Young Greens) — Arshpreet Gill, vacant