With membership in the Green Party of Manitoba you can influence Green policy development, help choose your local Green candidate and keep up to date with GPM activities.

Sign up for a one year or three-year membership and consider topping it up with an additional donation. Monthly donations are the most effective way to advocate for your Green vision in Manitoba.

Please note: The Green Party of Manitoba and the Green Party of Canada are legally seprate entities and have separate membership lists. Purchasing a Membership in the GPM does not automatically enroll you as a member of the GPC or vice-versa. If you would also like to join the GPC, go to

NOTE: Please do not use the same email for multiple different members. Our Database only allows one person to be associated with an email, so any additional memberships will be automatically deleted.

Total Amount
Personal Information
Disclosure is optional, however, members must self-identify as Indigenous to qualify for the Free Indigenous Membership category.
If you were recruited to join the GPM by another Member, please let us know who! Please include first and last name if known.

I certify that: All of the information I have provided is correct and up-to-date. I am a resident of Manitoba. I am a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. I am making this contribution with my own personal funds and not with a business account or on behalf of another person. No individual or organization will either partially or fully reimburse me. I would like to join the Green Party of Manitoba (GPM). I promise to abide by the constitution, by-laws, Code of Conduct, policies and principles of the GPM. I declare that I am not a member of another provincial political party.

Membership Certification