Blair Mahaffy
Blair Mahaffy is a lifelong resident of southeastern Manitoba. Born in Winnipeg, he spent summers in the Whiteshell, raised a family in Lorette, and now lives in West Hawk Lake.
Throughout his life, Blair has given generously of his time, serving as president of the Rotaract Club of Winnipeg Assiniboine, treasurer and chair of Frère Jacques Nursery School in Lorette, Cub Pack leader and treasurer for First Lorette Scouts, an early member of Fair Vote Manitoba, and a board member for the Canadian Polyamory Advocacy Association. He enjoyed lending a helping hand on many school camp and band trips with his children and has played in the pit band for Collège Lorette Collegiate. He is currently serving as the CEO of the Green Party Provencher and the Southeast rep for the Green Party of Manitoba.
Blair is software developer with a user base across Canada comprising mostly small businesses. He is well-known to his customers for having empathy and understanding for both the technical and business challenges they face. Having both solid interpersonal communication skills and IT skills positions him well to listen to, and advocate for, others in a complex communication environment.
In a word, Blair’s political philosophy is sustainability.
He was first drawn to the Green Party by their commitment to electoral reform – advocating for proportional representation to reflect the intention of all voters more fairly. He believes far more things unite us than separate us, and the route to a strong, stable, democracy is built in bringing people together.
As a resident of Southeast Manitoba, Blair is very aware of the broad diversity of the land and resources across the area, from the prairie lands in the south and west to Lake Winnipeg and the Winnipeg River, the Whiteshell, and Sandilands. Mining, forestry, agriculture, tourism, recreation, fishing, hunting, trapping, as well as the mental health and well-being these spaces provide, all must be balanced to ensure a sustainable future for people, wildlife, and the land alike.
Blair believes we must live within our means, both in economic terms and in our relationship with the environment and the planet’s resources. Balanced budgets and fair taxation are important and, to have a sustainable future, we need to expand our perspective to see the economy as a component of, and dependent on, the natural world.
Blair strongly believes that without an equitable and just society, it becomes more difficult to achieve other sustainability goals. Blair is a supporter of the Truth and Reconciliation process and supports the implementation of the TRC’s 94 Calls to Action. He is an advocate for Universal Basic Income as a means to greater equity that would be less expensive and simpler to administer than the current complex tangle of benefits. He is a supporter of well-funded public healthcare and education systems that are flexible to local needs while being equally available to all.